Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oh My Gosh!! 6.67c OMG Map

Hey, everyone! I got an e-mail about a new map in DotA. You can say it's a mini-game. I tried it out with my friends and had fun. =)) As the title says, it's the DotA 6.67c OMG v1.04g map. There are new commands on the start of the game that you need to add while typing the -apnp stuff. It's -ad and -ra. -ad is the Abilities Draft. You can choose different abilities from different heroes to use as your hero's skill set. -ra is Random Abilities. As the name says, your hero will get random skills generated by the game. Of course, the hero will still only have 3 standard skills (or I should say standart skill, as the game says =P) and 1 ultimate skill.

Gameplay is still the same. But the build for you hero may change because of the skills. Once when I tried the game with my friend, his hero didn't really need any strong items, because all his skills were stunning skills. His 3 skills were Magic Missile, Storm Bolt, and Avalanche. His Ultimate skill was Amplify. Those skills hurt. >__< My 3 skills were Chaos Bolt, Void, and Timelock. My Ultimate skill was Rupture, which got me kills a lot of times. hehehe =P

This map was made by ~Bob~. I do not own this in any way. I just want to share this map to all DotA players. I just found this map yesterday in my e-mail. You can download this by clicking the link below.

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